My story

I learnt to bake at home with my mother, back in Cornwall, England. At a young age I was baking for all the family, sitting by the Aga trying to keep warm from the cold wet Cornish winters waiting for the cakes to bake.

I started cooking professionally at the tender age of 16, while I was still at school. When I finished university I took my part time job and used the skills I had learnt to allow me start following the snow for the next 15 years.

After a season in New Zealand and 3 in the French Alpes I ended up in Whistler, working at the locals favorite Wildwood Pacific Bistro. By this point I had worked professionally in kitchens for over 10 years, but was still only baking for myself, friends and family.

Then finally I took the leap and joined the Purebread team. I worked with Purebread for 5 years. Starting when it was only the 1 bakery and when I left to have my daughter they were about to open their 4th. Purebread taught me how to turn my hobby into a profession and I could not be more greatfull to them.

Moving to Pemberton and having my 2 beautiful children, completed my life personally and now I am ready to turn my love for baking into a profession, while still keeping true to my heritage.

I live to eat, not eat to live, and I hope you can feel that passion when you taste my goodies!

Array of baked goods falling into basket.
Sweet pastries on stacked on tabletop.